Registration FAQs

  • Registration (teacher Jotform) opens: October 1, 2024

    Teacher Jotform due: November 5th

    Deadline for payment: November 19th

    Deadline for 50% refund: November 30th

    Student Registration Google Form due: December 31st

    Position Papers due: February 13th, 2025

    Conference: February 20-22nd, 2025

  • Please see our HSMUN Step by Step Registration Guide for a detailed explanation on registration.

  • At this time, only teacher representatives from schools are able to register their school delegation for the conference. If you are a high school student interested in attending the conference, consider reaching out to a teacher and see if there is already an existing HSMUN teacher representative at your school.

  • Our Country Tier list is designed to give a brief overview of each country’s relevance to the issues discussed at this year’s conference, at the discretion of our Secretariat team. Requesting multiple countries within each tiers allows our registration team to curate country assignments based on the natural variations of experience levels within your school. Please remember that we attempt to accommodate all requests on a first come, first serve basis; however, there is no guarantee that you will receive a country that you request.

  • Please see our Country Matrix. If a country has a seat in the committee, it will be indicated by a red, yellow, or orange color code. Please note that our Futuristic Security Council and Security Council runs on a double delegation basis, so all SC/FSC countries will have two seats each. On the Historic Simulation Committee, certain countries will have three seats. All other seats should be filled by one student per country per committee only.

  • Red - This country has high relevance to the discussed topics within the committee. Delegates placed as “Red” countries are required to complete a position paper prior to the conference.

    Orange - This country has moderate relevance to the discussed topics within the committee.

    Yellow - This country has little relevance to the discussed topics within the committee.

    Black - This country does not have a seat in the respective committee.

  • The delegate fee is $110 per student. For students experiencing financial difficulties, there are opportunities to receive a partial or full fee waiver. Please contact for more information on how to apply for a fee waiver.

  • Payment can be made either through Paypal or cheque. Because country assignments run on a first-come, first-serve basis, we recommend Paypal. However, if you are unable to make payment online, you may mail a cheque. Please note that country assignments cannot be set until the cheque is received.

  • At this time, we are only accepting 50 delegates per school. If you have additional students in your school wanting to join, please email us ( and we will be more than happy to add your additional delegates to the conference waitlist, should additional spots at the conference open up. However, there is no guarantee that students on the waitlist will be able to attend the conference.

  • Your registration will be considered complete and processed by our team when full payment is received.

  • For schools who opt to pay via cheque, our team will send an invoice to the teacher representative once we receive your Jotform submission. Please email us if you have not yet received an invoice within one business week of your Jotform submission.

  • Schools who pay prior to the payment deadline of November 19th, 2024 are eligible to request a 50% refund before and up to November 30th, 2024. After this point, no refunds will be considered. However, if a specific delegate is unable to attend, we recommend finding a student substitution for your delegate - please ensure you email with any student substitutions.