Teacher Resources

Table of Contents

  1. FAQs

  2. Mock Debate Videos

  3. Glossary

  4. Training Material

  5. HSMUN 2025 Timeline

1. FAQs

  • Sign up for our emails by checking the Register tab above. We will send reminders, specific HSMUN information, and can better connect with you!

  • Find our registration page here! Registration opens on October 1, 2024.

    • Start by watching our mock debate videos and reading our glossary below

    • Training resources to prepare your students can be found below with ready-to-go presentations!

    • Students also have a resources page they can view individually depending on if they are a Committee Delegate or Press Delegate

  • Some roles can include:

    • Registering your school through our Teacher Jotform

    • Setting up training sessions using our resources below prior to the conference so delegates feel better prepared

    • Sending the Student Registration Google Form to all students (registers them into their specific committee)

    • Ensuring students submit their Informed Consent or Waiver forms (mandatory field trip forms we provide)

    • Supervising students during the conference banquet

    • Having a positive attitude!

  • Check out our supervisory tips package

2. Mock Debate Videos

Standard Debate Procedure Videos (HSMUN 2021 & 2022 Mock Debates)

3.Glossary &Questions

    1. Debate starts with roll call where each country says “present” or “present and voting”

    2. If the delegate chooses “present and voting”, they must vote when resolutions are presented

  • Standard debate procedure is the set guide for debating. See our debate flow chart on the left!

    1. Standard procedure is the debating style done in general committees

    2. Crisis procedure is only done in Security Councils. In order for the committee to solve the crisis, crisis procedure (different than standard procedure) will take place.

    1. Motions keep procedure rolling since they are formal proposals that sets the direction of your committee

    2. Any delegate can raise their placard to suggest a motion (ex. “Motion to set the topic to Topic 1: ______.”)

    1. Primary - After roll call, the Primary Speakers list will be motioned (ex. “Motion to set primary speaker’s list”). From here, a delegation will propose a motion to start debating either Topic 1 or Topic 2 (ex. “Motion to set the agenda to topic 1”).

    2. Secondary - Once the topic has been set, committee will go to the Secondary Speakers list. When it is your country’s turn to speak from the Secondary Speakers list, use this time to speak about your country’s foreign policy and opinions about the topic at hand. From here, delegates can propose a motion to hold moderated or unmoderated caucuses.

  • To view more questions about debate such as a moderated and unmoderated caucus, Resolution papers, and more, click the full PDF version to the left!

4. Training Materials

  1. Resolution and Position Paper Training Presentation

  2. Committee and Debate Procedure Training Presentation

  3. Standard Procedure Resources (also found under Committee Delegate Resources)

  4. Crisis Procedure Resources (also found under Committee Delegate Resources)

5. HSMUN 2025 Timeline