Secretariat Team

  • Tristen Wong


    Tristen is incredibly honoured to be serving as your Secretary General for HSMUN 2025. She is currently in her final year of Bachelor in Science in Immunology and Infection at the University of Alberta. This will be her ninth year participating in Model UN, and HSMUN is near and dear to her heart. In her spare time, she eats, breathes, and lives the culinary genius that is Dessert Person by Claire Saffitz. She can also be found hanging out with her two cats, Miso and Nori. Tristen looks forward to meeting all of the brilliant delegates at HSMUN 2025!

  • Selva Arman Hernandez


    Selva is thrilled to be working as Director General for this year's conference! She is currently in her third year of a Bachelor of Science, double majoring in Biology and Psychology. This is Selva’s fourth year with HSMUN, one year as a delegate and three as a volunteer. Every year she’s amazed at how incredible the conference is and can’t wait for another! In her free time, she enjoys swimming, making ratatouille, and listening to jazz. Selva welcomes all delegates and hopes they have a wonderful time in HSMUN 2025!

  • Annie Tang


    Annie is looking forward to being one of the Under-Secretary-General Logistics for the 2025 conference! She is currently in her fourth year of an Immunology and Infections degree. This will be Annie’s fifth year with HSMUN, as she was a delegate for one year in high school, and has been a volunteer for four years in university. Previously, she has been a part of the WHO and UN Women committees and was the USG Logistics for 2024 as well. She is currently analyzing cells in a lab, but she also enjoys drawing, going to the gym, and watching documentaries!

  • Dalton Seney


    Dalton is looking forward to joining Annie on the logistics team as one of the Under-Secretary-General Logistics for the 2025 Conference. He is currently in his fourth year of his Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in Political Science and Media Studies, as well as minoring in Sociology. This will be Dalton’s third year volunteering with HSMUN, previously serving as a Foreign Policy Advisor for UN Women in 2023, and INTERPOL in 2024. When not volunteering with HSMUN, Dalton is hiking, going for runs in the beautiful Edmonton river valley, or trying new restaurants with friends. Dalton cannot wait to see all of the 2025 delegates and excited for another eventful year of HSMUN!

  • Navdeep Badhan


    Greetings HSMUN delegates and attendees! It is an honor for Navdeep to serve as Under-Secretary General Dais for HSMUN 2025. As he heads into his 3rd year of Biochemistry, HSMUN has always been his most favorite community to ever be part of. Since high school, Navdeep served as a delegate for Legal and WHO committees at HSMUN and for Historical Security Council 1991 in the United States during the summer of 2022. In his free time, he enjoys learning about as many facts as possible (ie trivia :) ) and rock-climbing at the gym. As we head closer to HSMUN 2025, Navdeep can feel the excitement in the air, and he really looks forward to seeing all the delegates ready to tackle brand-new topics and unpredictable crises.

  • Abhay Agnihotri


    Abhay is excited to be an Under-Secretary-General Foreign Policy for HSMUN 2025! Abhay is in his final year of his Biomedical Engineering degree at the UofA. This is his fifth year with HSMUN, having participated twice in high school (DISEC/Mongolia and Legal/United States) and now volunteering. Despite the nature of his degree, he takes great interest in matters of history and politics, and enjoys a good philosophical conversation. When he’s not studying or working, Abhay enjoys playing and following soccer, watching classic movies, and catching up on current event

  • Om Patel


    Om is excited to be one of the Under-Secretary-General of Foreign Policy this year. He is going into his 3rd year of Psychology with Honors. This is going to be Om’s fifth year with HSMUN, 2 years as a delegate and 2 years as a volunteer. In his free time, he can be found watching hockey, reading books and going to the gym. Om is very excited to see the delegates debate.

  • Tila Tran


    Tila is super excited to be your Under-Secretary-General Press for HSMUN 2025! She is currently in her fifth year of her Bachelor of Art’s degree double majoring in Political Science and English. Having done HSMUN throughout highschool and university, she can say with confidence that it is an incredible experience full of great debates and fun! Outside of HSMUN, you can find Tila writing, reading, and having game nights with her friends while trying out new sports! She also loves shopping, and enjoys finding new cafes to relax in. Tila can’t wait to meet all the 2025 HSMUN delegates!